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As can be seen from the screen shot above, the HT-module displays all the most important information in one tab. The waveform and spectrum data is stored for each temperature point. This data is recalled automatically when the user selects a row in the results table or by moving a cursor on the graph. The graph can be annotated as shown, and several curves can be displayed such as Young's modulus vs. temperature and Young's modulus vs. time. The temperature profile and furnace temperature can also be shown.
The temperature profile is easily entered and can be sent to the furnace controller. However, the temperature near the sample - as measured by a thermocouple - is used on the graph rather than the controller temperature; except in our vacuum systems where the controller temperature is used.
The units for each column in the temperature profile table can be changed. The sample can be retested if the frequency change since the last test point is outside a set frequency range as entered in the Retest (±Hz) column.
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